Violence in Dallas: An argument for racial separatism.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 08 July 2016 07:59.

AFP, ‘Four police killed at US race bias protest: chief’, 08 Jul 2016:

Washington (AFP) - Four police officers were killed, at least seven were wounded and a civilian was also hurt late Thursday when two snipers opened fire during a protest in Dallas against police racial bias, authorities said.

City Police Chief David Brown said two gunmen shot at “police officers from elevated positions during the protest/rally”, sparking an intense search for at least two suspects, adding that they had threatened to plant a bomb.

The Dallas Police Department tweeted a photograph of a man dressed in a camouflage shirt with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder.

“This is one of our suspects. Please help us find him!” the police department tweeted.

The suspects “have threatened to plant a bomb in the downtown area,” Brown told reporters.

The protests were part of demonstrations taking part in several cities against the fatal police shootings of African American men in Minnesota and Louisiana this week.

Brown initially said two of the officers were in surgery and three were in critical condition. The condition of the other officers was unclear.

An earlier toll had 10 officers shot, including three dead. Brown told reporters a civilian was also wounded.

“An intensive search for suspects is currently under way. No suspects are in custody at this time,” Brown said in a statement.

Brown said police had “cornered” one of the suspects, and warned that there may be more than two suspects.

Dallas police has reached out to federal law enforcement agencies for help—the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Several hundred people attended the Dallas rally, which ended just before the shots rang out around 9:00 pm (0200 GMT Friday), reports said.

Witnesses reported hearing dozens of gunshots that sounded like semi-automatic rifle fire. “The shots were coming from the roof,” a protester told KTVT television, a CBS affiliate.

Video posted online showed protesters marching when the shots rang out, scattering the crowd.

Police warned protesters to flee the area, saying the scene remained an active-shooter situation.

SWAT teams were deployed to the scene, reports said.

The situation

After the events involving the shooting in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 7 July 2016, it had seemed that a significant flashpoint in the story of race relations in the United States had suddenly arrived, and it was a moment that would have served the interests of the Black Lives Matter movement primarily.

Video footage of a police officer of Asian or American Indian descent, having shot a 32 year old black school cafeteria worker named Philando Castile four times in his car, while he was reaching for his wallet to show his license and registration after having been pulled over for a driving with a broken rear brake light, had been posted all over the internet and was on the the verge of becoming part of a new master signifier in the discussion of violence and law enforcement in the United States.

Despite the officer being of Asian or American Indian descent, critical theorists would have framed the conversation as being one of institutional white supremacy which suffuses the police force as it is a gendarme of the accumulated wealth of the United States, which is characterised as a white power structure.

The video footage was all over the internet and was being viewed around the world.

Another case was a shooting that took place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on 5 July 2016. A black man named Alton Sterling was killed by two white police officers as they fired four times into his body at point blank range outside a convenience store. It’s thought that it was a case of police responding to an anonymous call about someone threatening people with a gun outside the store, but it’s said that Sterling was only there by sheer chance at the time that the police arrived.

That incident was also recorded by several phone cameras held by bystanders, and also was seen around the world.

Together, those two stories had coalesced into a master signifier for ‘police injustice and systemic racism against African-Americans’, and they were stories in which the factual details of the shootings could not be used to disabuse people of the narrative being propagated by Black Lives Matter and certain elements of the liberal media establishment.

The outcome

At the time of the protests in Dallas, Texas, the narrative was unfolding, and people were of the belief that perhaps the state would be able to manage the situation with reconciliation attempts, as many Dallas police officers were reaching out to the African-American community in an attempt to promote ‘peace’ and avert further strife.

That was not to be, as the appearance of black snipers who began shooting policemen, and the setting of bombs, and the fact that the black protesters and demonstrators began cheering on international television when the shooting began, shattered the narrative before it had become settled, and tore up any chances of reconciliation, shifting the topic away from ‘police injustice caused by systemic racism’, and instead back toward ‘disproportionate black crime aimed toward police officers’.

The new developments in the story by AFP that I quoted at the beginning of this article, are now eclipsing all of the events of the past 48 hours.

It makes a person wonder, do African-Americans actually understand how to apply the lessons of Gramsci and Foucault, and do they actually understand Strategic Communications, or do they merely pretend to? African-Americans actually had full command of the narrative, but within 48 hours they have now done an incredibly kind service to their adversaries by completely ruining it for themselves.

All in all, it seems that the entire sequence of events could ultimately serve as an opportunity for white people in the United States to make the case for racial separatism, as it is increasingly obvious that the differing communities in the United States cannot live together in the same civic space without there being incessant outbursts of violence. Since the antagonistic contradictions cannot actually be resolved, it is clear that the only path to conflict cessation is one of racial separatism.

Police Shooting of a Black in Minnesota Will Instigate Necessary Separatism

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 07 July 2016 17:53.

A policeman shot and killed a black motorist that he pulled-over in the Minneapolis area of Minnesota. First accounts have it that the girlfriend and child of Philando Castile sat helpless but compliantly-by as Castile also attempted to comply with the officer’s orders but was shot to death. There is video which might corroborate Castile’s efforts to cooperate despite the fact that he was carrying a fire-arm when the police officer pulled him over.

It is tragic that a benign black lost his life and that the police officer’s life will be ruined by this event. We can anticipate violent and destructive actions coming from blacks and White victims by way of response this summer.

But from a racialist standpoint, i.e., from the standpoint of people who recognize that Whites need to live separately from blacks, this is for the ultimate good. The more innocent the black victim was, the better an indication it is that Whites cannot live with blacks and need to live separately from them. Ill advised though the police officer’s shooting may have been, he was probably displaying psychological deterioration - burn-out from having to deal with black behavioral patterns and other imposed political correctness in the day-to-day. The more violent and destructive that blacks become as a result, the more Whites will be forced to realize that they have no good choice but to live separately from blacks.

Daily News, “Minnesota man Philando Castile shot and killed by cops during traffic stop; girlfriend pleads for help on Facebook livestream (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT)”

Woman livestreamed heartbreaking moments after her boyfriend was shot and killed by a cop in Minnesota late Wednesday.

In a Facebook video, Lavish Reynolds claims that the couple was pulled over in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area for a busted taillight and that her boyfriend, identified by WCCO as Philando Castile, was shot four or five times.

Philando Castile, 32, was shot and killed by police during a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul, Minn., Wednesday evening.  (Facebook)

She said that Castile told the officer he was carrying a permitted firearm and had been reaching for his wallet before the officer opened fire

Press image for video

Ibid. “Please no, don’t let him be gone. Why?!” Reynolds yells on her video as Castile, 32, slumps back in the driver’s seat of his car, blood running across his shirt.

A St. Anthony police officer can be seen outside the car, his gun drawn on Castile. Reynolds, who like Castile is black, describes him as Asian.

“I told him not to reach for it,” cop says as he continues to point his weapon into vehicle. “I told him to get his hand off it.”

Near the end of clip, Reynolds starts to scream as she sits handcuffed in back of a police cruiser with young daughter.

“It’s OK, mama,” the little girl says as her mother pleads for help from Facebook viewers. “It’s OK, I’m right here with you.”

St. Anthony’s confirmed the shooting took place in Falcon Hgts, a St. Paul suburb that hosts the state fair, around 9 p.m.

Castile, a cafeteria supervisor at a local Montessori school, later died at Hennepin County Medical Center.

The Daily News adds a link and article remarking that along with Castile’s death, the similar event of “Alton Sterling’s death (the day before) calls for justice against rotten cops.”

Trump has been enlisted to secure GOP base (implicit Whites) so that it can play its old games

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 07 July 2016 05:48.

  “The Iran deal is one of the worst deals ever”

In regard to foreign affairs, it has looked to me like Trump has been empowered politically by a commitment to the neo-con agenda of undoing the Iran deal. Kumiko sees the domestic motivation of a second tier of Jewish money - concerned for their U.S. real estate holdings - and backing Trump accordingly; even while he “radically defies” the highest rungs of Jewish money.

In his latest radio show - 6 July 2016 - Metzger sees another motivation behind Trump.

TT has never advocated Trump, nor Hillary, of course, in any positive sense, maintaining that he will not vote. Though he had previously been relatively partial to Trump, seeing him as provoking a certain amount of chaos for Whites to take advantage of, he now holds that a vote for Trump is a vote for the system - in particular, that Trump is being used to secure the Republican base (implicit Whites) and as such to save the Republican party - which should not be saved since it has long been gaining and using White working class voters by means of dog whistles to minor cultural issues, while ultimately betraying them for international corporatist and Jewish interests.

Though I’d hate to see that evil woman Hillary become President because her opposition did not have enough support, I hate even more to endorse the system, its false choice and false opposition.

It is looking more and more as if initial hunches about Trump are true - that Republican insiders were merely pretending to hate him as a harbinger of great crisis to the Republican party - a crisis dramatized in this kind of ShowTime presentation - in order to reinvigorate the Republican base (i.e., implicit Whites) - exciting them with the idea that they are being rebellious and Trump is rebelliously standing up to the system…





      In fact, it is just the same old Democrat - Republican yin yang.

The “bleeding heart liberal” Democrats open borders and boundaries to muck-up any possibility for organized opposition - particularly an organized White middle, working or any White class, for that matter - and then after the mix has been unleashed upon the population to a sufficiently toxic extent, the Republicans are called-in to assert this mix as normal; they act into their role of asserting what it is to be a real American man, i.e., a strong, patriotic American civic nationalist - viz., one who sees any concern about being mixed-in with blacks and other races as betraying a sign of weak, effeminate nonsense, being ungrateful for the opportunity of the American dream, not an individually competent man who holds up to the competition; and of an un-American bent for old world or third world factionalism.


EU Ship & Compartments Metaphor Good, Law Change Necessary, Nationalist Deportationists Imperative

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 06 July 2016 07:13.

        Rather, change its course and throw them overboard.

This article at The Right Stuff uses a metaphor that I have always liked, of Europe and its states as analogous to a ship and its compartments:

TRS, “For Europeans to Live, the EU Must Perish,” 5 July 2016:

      - Tom Paine

Think of the EU as a ship, its 28 member countries as compartments below the waterline, Europeans as passengers, Mohammedans and Africans as the sea around them. When the ship’s hull is breached, its rules (EU Freedom of Movement) require all hatches between compartments to remain open. (It is impossible to exclude anyone with EU papers from moving to another EU member except in extreme cases). Crazy but true.

While the ship’s crew could in theory protect passengers by closing hatches to contain flooding to one compartment, in practice the crew devotes its efforts to silencing the passengers’ “hydrophobia” as the sea pours in…

The article focuses too much on law change, however. That is an arduous and vastly insufficient answer to what we need: which is a compelling argument for mass deportation, a call emphatically understood, undertaken with the action of a flood of combined nationalist effort that would simply drag laws and bureaucracies along or bury them underfoot if they will not willingly comply to our will.


I.e., rather than abandoning ship we ought change its course and throw them overboard.

Post Brexit-vote roundtable: Leadership contest and the Turkish factor, Part 2.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sunday, 03 July 2016 21:35.

Michael Gove faces the cameras.
Michael Gove faces the cameras.

Summary: Part two of a roundtable between Guessedworker, DanielS, and Kumiko Oumae, about Brexit and the leadership contest which is emerging in the aftermath of the decision.

Thoughts about the situation in Turkey are again explored.

Recorded on 01 Jul 2016.



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Post Brexit-vote roundtable: Leadership contest and the Turkish factor, Part 1.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sunday, 03 July 2016 20:54.

Left to right: Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Theresa May.
Left to right: Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Theresa May.

Summary: A roundtable between Guessedworker, DanielS, and Kumiko Oumae, about Brexit and the leadership contest which is emerging in the aftermath of the decision.

Thoughts about the situation in Turkey are also explored.

Recorded on 30 Jun 2016.


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Austria presidential poll result overturned.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 01 July 2016 21:04.

Here’s an interesting development:

BBC News, ‘Austria presidential poll result overturned’, 01 Jul 2016 (emphasis added):

Austria’s highest court has annulled the result of the presidential election narrowly lost by the candidate of the far-right Freedom Party.

The party had challenged the result, saying that postal votes had been illegally and improperly handled.

The Freedom Party candidate, Norbert Hofer, lost the election to the former leader of the Greens, Alexander Van der Bellen, by just 30,863 votes or less than one percentage point.

The election will now be re-run.

Announcing the decision, Gerhard Holzinger, head of the Constitutional Court, said: “The challenge brought by Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache against the 22 May election… has been upheld.”

He added: “The decision I am announcing today has no winner and no loser, it has only one aim: to strengthen trust in the rule of law and democracy.”

Austria’s politics have been thrown into confusion. One of the most controversial and polarising presidential elections in recent history will have to be re-run.

This is a moral victory for the far-right, anti-immigrant and Eurosceptic Freedom Party, which launched the legal challenge last month after alleging “terrifying” irregularities.

The Freedom Party is hoping that the decision by the court will help its candidate Norbert Hofer win in the new election this autumn.

Hanging over the vote is the shadow of “Brexit” - the UK’s decision to leave the EU.

Will Mr Hofer choose to make Austria’s future membership of the EU a campaign issue?

Some Austrians think the vote by the United Kingdom to leave the EU could boost populist and nationalist sentiment in Austria. Others believe the political turbulence in Britain may make people more cautious about Eurosceptic parties.

Mr Hofer said on Friday he was pleased that the court had taken “a difficult decision”, adding: “I have great trust in the rule of law.”

Mr Van der Bellen said he was “very confident” he would emerge the winner.

“Austria needs to be well represented in Europe and the world. If we can do it once, we can do it again,” he told reporters.

Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern said the court ruling showed that the country’s democracy was strong and he called for “a short campaign, a campaign without emotions”.

‘Rules broken’

In two weeks of hearings, lawyers for the Freedom Party argued that postal ballots were illegally handled in 94 out of 117 districts.

It alleged that thousands of votes were opened earlier than permitted under election rules and some were counted by people unauthorised to do so.

The party also claimed to have evidence that some under-16s and foreigners had been allowed to vote.

In its ruling, the court said election rules had been broken in a way that could have influenced the result.

But it said there was no proof the count had been manipulated.

If elected, Mr Hofer would become the first far-right head of state of an EU country.

His party has based its election campaigns around concern over immigration and falling living standards for the less well-off.

After Britain voted to leave the EU, Mr Hofer said he favoured holding a similar referendum in Austria if the bloc failed to stop centralisation and carry out reforms “within a year”.

Last Sunday, he told the Oesterreich newspaper (in German): “If [the EU] evolves in the wrong direction, then in my opinion the time has come to ask the Austrians if they still want to be part of it.”

His opponent, Mr Van der Bellen, is strongly pro-EU and has spoken of his dream for a border-free “United States of Europe”.

The two men went forward to a run-off when, for the first time since World War Two, both the main centrist parties were knocked out in the first round of voting.

Following the court’s order to re-run the vote, President Heinz Fischer will be replaced on a temporary basis by three parliamentary officials, including Mr Hofer.

The new election is expected to be held in September or October.

What powers does the Austrian president have?

It is a mostly ceremonial post. But the president does have the power to dissolve the National Council - the more powerful lower house of parliament. That triggers a general election.

The president can only do that once for a particular reason - he cannot use the same grounds to dissolve it again.

It is the chancellor’s job to appoint government ministers. And the chancellor has the power to dismiss the government. But ministers have to be formally sworn in by the president.

Heimbach & Parrott’s Jesus group acts into right wing altercast of YKW

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 01 July 2016 05:06.

Ten people suffered stab wounds and other injuries on Sunday after members of a white nationalist group that planned to rally outside the California state Capitol building in Sacramento clashed with a larger group of counter protesters, authorities said.

The fight broke out when about 30 members of the Traditionalist Worker Party gathering to rally around noon Sunday were met by about 400 counter-protesters, California Highway Patrol Officer George Granada said.

Alhough Jewish controlled media is granting the grandiose and misleading left cover of the name, “Traditionalist Worker Party,” and calling them a “white nationalist” organization, they are actually a right-wing group committed to Jesus and Christianity above all causes.

While having a preference to advocate for White faithful and Orthodox Christian Whites in particular, the group does cooperate with non-Christian White nationalists upon tacit agreement with “the alternative right”, viz., its big tent condition to rise above “little disagreements” - markedly about Jesus, Hitler, scientism or Jewish inclusion - i.e., anti-social positions in reaction to the Jewish organized left. And to the extent that “altrighters” accept their Christian agenda - with Matt Parrott and Matt Heimbach of “Tradyouth” being “Altright” insiders - they are a part of a makeshift bureaucratic clique and a big tent (tentosphere) concerned to discourage attention to Majorityrights’ platform.

In the meantime, the YKW will grant coverage to groups and individuals such as Heimbach and Parrott inasmuch as they act into an altercast as right wingers, allowing them to do what right wingers are wont to do - react as useful dupes for Jewish and objectivitst interests, associating White Nationalism with the stigma of anti-social behavior; their search for foundations beyond social accountability being futile and counterproductive to White interests; all the while they tend to mistake and accept definitions of accountability and social justice for the Jewish trammel of language games and anti-White rhetoric.

Although they had a permit to protest last Sunday in front of the Sacramento, California Courthouse, “The Chairman and Vice Chairman” of “The Traditionalist Worker Party” enlisted “The Golden State Skinheads” as security for their rally.

They said that they had planned the Sunday event in conjunction with the Golden State Skinheads “to make a statement about the precarious situation our race is in” after “brutal assaults” at Donald Trump events in California.

        Matt Heimbach

“We stood our ground. We will be back,” The L.A. Times reported “Traditionalist Worker Party Chairman” Matthew Heimbach as saying - he added that “in the clash, one of their marchers had been stabbed in an artery and six of the counter-protesters had also been stabbed.”

Vice chairman Matt Parrott, who was not present at the Sacramento rally, blamed “leftist radicals” for instigating the violence. Videos and photos of the rally posted on social media showed the white nationalists vastly outnumbered by protesters from anti-fascist groups.

ABC News also reported that “Videos from the melee posted on social media showed mounted police officers dispersing a group of mostly young people, some with their faces covered, while some throw stones toward a man holding a stick and being shielded by police officers in riot gear.

Of the injured, two were taken to the hospital with critical stab wounds, but they were expected to survive, officials said.

Although it is difficult to get past the YKW media negative conditioning and by contrast to convince White Nationalists of the utility of a White Left Nationalist perspective, its utility remains, rather like a cat landing on its feet every time, lining up enemies, elite traitors and rank and file as well. The White Left Nationalist perspective maintains its stability, normalization, sustainability and thus adherence in social praxis, with key accountability from elites and rank and file.

I gleaned and refined this perspective from Metzger - who is entirely relevant to this discussion as it was he who organized American skinheads after the skinhead movement germinated in England in the 1980’s. Metzger also found out the hard way, as did many, about the inherent instability and perfidy of the right as manifest in provocation, reaction and turncoats upon such tactics. He lost his house and business and had to file for bankruptcy for a prosecution of “vicarious liability” after a skinhead tenuously associated with him killed a black man in another state, hundreds of miles away.

With Metzger’s central experience and racial conviction, I was able to reject the obvious stupidity of right wing associations with racial advocacy and to overcome the normal aversion to the Jewish abused term, “the left”, as a mere diversion from its nifty organizing function, including racial organization.

I can see the pattern of what he and David (14 Words) Lane began to describe as the perfidy of “the right wing.” I can also see the pattern behind and why Jewish interests want to dissuade us from a White left identity.

And once there, one can see more clearly the perfidy of acting into an altercast as right wing.

Heimbach and Parrott might not want to learn from those with more experience, but they should have known better anyway than to be involved with violent street altercations. In fact, even an act such as this - Heimbach shoving a person - can bring about a charge of assault under The U.S. legal system; YKW attorneys will be particularly vigilant for any such opportunity to affix “hate charges” given that the woman he shoved was black….add to that bringing skinheads and weapons into the occasion and you are asking to render yourself unto the legal system, useless to our cause. There will come a time when we can re-write the laws but that time is not now and they should have known better than to react into the altercast.

TT says, “stay out of the right!”

Though going under the grandiose ostensible left cover and misnomer of “The Traditionalist Worker Party”, their right wing organization is committed to Jesus Christ above all. Matt Parrott has told Majorityrights that he will cooperate provisionally with White Nationalists and other ethnonationalists, though ultimately, he advocates for Christian rule to be imposed upon all people. As it is derived from Jewish interests and not grounded in the relativizing and normalizing realm of White praxis, their ideology will be inherently unstable and susceptible to Jewish manipulation. The altrighters seek to protect their pet anti social projects, Jesus, Hitler, Jews, scientism, etc; while attempts to ground White advocacy in accountability to praxis and genetics have been met by the Altright and Parrott, in particular, with bureaucratic imperviousness - Parrott also stating that he believes the Euro DNA Nations to be “wrong at every turn.”

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